Slack Family Travel Blog - Summer 2018
Initial entry ~ June 21st, 2018
We had so much fun
last summer on our cross country trip, that we've decided to do a similar trip
this summer, only up/down the West coast.
We plan to be gone approximately a month this year, and will drive
through California and stay with friends in the Bay area, and then head up the
coast eventually to Portland and then Seattle.
We plan to work our way back down going by Bend, Crater Lake, Chico,
Sacramento, Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, and then Lake Arrowhead before coming back
home. Not nearly as many states as we
visited last summer, nor the miles we covered last summer too! We are all looking forward to some cooler
temps for a month though as its been heating up in AZ of late.
Thank you to our
friends Tim McGinty and The Malkemus's for taking care of Maori while we are
gone. While I again would love to bring
Maori along, it adds a lot of difficulty to traveling.
Best, worst,
funniest - Bish compiled a list of everyone's thought's on these three on most
days that we traveled last summer. Here
are some highlights from these lists...
McIlhenny Tabasco tour
Beignets and good food in Nawlins
Coke World
Catching fireflies at Jen's
Nick's Kitchen BPTs
Desserts from Cara/Blackberry Market
Gas station cheese curds
Dinner on the deck at Maynard's with Fahning and
Both girls - "Cleaning out the wort at
Snake River Brewing with Keith the brewer!"
Abigail's (Darby friend from Odyssey that moved
to SLC) response "A bit obsessed!"
Andy driving in rainstorm
Leaving Rehoboth Beach for probably the last
Dad's speeding ticket in Indiana
Danica shrieking in the Insectarium
"Dinner with Dad's friends!" Gick and Becky
Presley's energy
Sowing grass seed on Max's grave
Listening to MHS/dad stories from Troy, Cara,
and Tracey
Dad getting attacked by birds at camp site
Tent collapsing in wind storm
Seeing a mouse in the bathroom and chasing it
We are looking forward to our next family driving adventure, and feel
fortunate that we can have this experience with the Slackettes!
Looks like great fun!